Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Low life expectancy Essay Example for Free

Low life expectancy Essay Todays world is all about speed. Every single process is studied and programmed to be as quick as possible, with optimal efficiency. We are currently witnessing a fundamental transformation of the society that we can qualify as a robotisation, essentially in the developped countries. That could be beneficial for some countries, in some fields, for some people. But we all should be aware that there are humans that cannot follow this step. In fact, this new process is involving a wider gap between developped countries and the least developped countries concerning life expectancy. Life expectancy is an average number of year given to a person at his birth depending on the country he was born in, and it is a factor defining the health of a country. Diseases, war, famine, death rates in one hand, national economic prosperity, standard education and performant healthcare in the other hand, there are many factors affecting the life expectancy in each country, making it better or worse. People tend to have. a longer. life in western countries like Israel where the average expectancy life is 81 years old, instead of Zimbabwe, where the average expectancy life is 52 years old (CIA, 2012). This essay will assess two solutions to low life expectancy in the developping world. First, the. promotion and improvement of the health care system and infrastructure, then the development of appropriate education programs to instruct and educate the population of those third world countries. The countries where life expectancy is very low are country where death rates are very high. These death rates are caused by further facts as war, diseases, pandemics and outbreaks so we can notice that healthcare system and infrastructure are very important to maintain the population in a good shape. The difference between evelopped and developping countries concerning this matter has always been the economical issues. Developping countries, in order to improve their situation, must establish plans Wich will structure an efficient government budget, however because of their low or very low GDP, this budget could be extremely tight regarding. healthcare and infrastructures dedicated to that matter. For example in UK, the budget dedicated to healthcare represents eleven percent of the GDP, whereas Angola uses only 2% of public expenditure (WHO,2005). Due to such a low budget dedicated to Healthcare, developping countries are not able to provide efficient reatments and qualified medical staff to their citizens. The only solution to that issue for developping coutries is to increase their health care budget and place the ministry of health upper in their priorities. Increasing the tax rates on high income people would raise the budget and slightly rise the budget by 2% in the Gross Domestic Product. Government should aso work on the drug prices and user fees to make it more affordable , and control the parallel market to prevent fiscal losses. A reasonnable and efficient use ot ressources should imply an equilibrium in the third world economies and make them refill their budget. That would make the coutry eligible for a financial help from the world bank, the african development Bank or the IMF. Construction of new hospitals and purchases of drugs would then be possible perspectives. Moreover, the governments should focus on supportive private health care and introduction ofa health insurance that would help people keep their money and still get efficient treatments. Improving healthcare all over the world and especially in the developping coutries is actually one of the most relevant issues of the 21 rst century. The second part of the essay focuses on the educational kind of treatment that eople in the developping coutries should get in order to educate them to the new technologies that they will be facing, the new facilities that tey will be using. Education will also allow the medical staff to supply the knowledge and services that people are expecting. On top of that, education will improve peoples situation, working in better places and not being in contact with diseases and bacterias. They will earn more money and that is improving the situation of the country as well, by increasing the GDP. We can say that ducation is at the begining of the chain that will bring a country to prosperity. In order to improve the medical treatments quality, the ministry of education should organize training programs and. seminars for the. medical body (WHO, 2000). In a close collaboration with the ministry of Health and some associations, the Ministry of education should promote hygenie among primary schools, high schools, universities and other educational institutions through presentations, or conferences with medical bodies or even advertisement. The local associations should be also supported and prevention should happen mor often. Give soap a chance! (wash hands, 2012) is a slogan used by NHS in the I-JK, a world eading country in terms of health. Awareness of young people associated with scientific knowledge and prevention actions would be a great sanitary improve and could lead toa rie in the life expectancy rise. According to the previous sayings, we can say that life expectancy could be well improved by working on how to manage the budget to improve the sanitary system, and improving the educational system that will in a way rise the awareness of people concerning health care and science. Even if we focused on two aspects of low life expectancy solutions, we should mention that famine, war and natural disasters are lso issues that governments should work on.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Beowulf :: Epic of Beowulf Essays

Beowulf   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since the dawn of time, the forces of evil have always tried to gain an upper hand over the forces of good. The battles between these two forces have transcended time in both different forms and in different places. Every culture since the birth of man has background stories of creation and the battles that are waged between the two forces of light and dark. Leaving in the aftermath, stories and legends that are passed down from generation to generation through the vast cultures and civilizations. Beginning with the use of oral traditions that took these stories and the use of spoken word to both inform and entertain the people of a given society. These tales also had another purpose, which was to remind the people of the evils that were around them. Lurking in the shadows, waiting to claim another victim in the war of good and evil. Such stories fed on the fears of the people and the uncertainty of the world around them. Although the stories themselves may differ considerably from region to region, the basic underlying theme has always been identical. With the coming into being of written word, these stories could now be put down for people to read and serve as a reminder of their folklore. Not only to them, but to future people who come to read these documents. We have been lucky in the fact that over the last few hundred years, we have recovered many works from all over the world, dating back through years that had been long forgotten to many of us. In a great many of these works we have come into contact with many tales of heroism and the fight between good and evil. Just as the heroism in these stories may take on different faces, so does the evil present itself in many different guises. This brings us to one work in specific, Beowulf, one of the earliest Old English poems that we have today. It is the embodiment of the struggle between good and evil. The poem begins with the funeral of Scyld, the mythical founder of the Danish Royal House. One of his descendants builds a great hall called Heorot, and it is here that the people gather to rejoice and sing the praises of G-d. This singing angers a vile fiend named Grendel, that inhabits the nearby bog. The poet describes Grendel in this way:

Monday, January 13, 2020

Sales Management Plan

The beverage product that will be developed in the market will be made from ginger. This product aims to help the customers avoid digestive problems, arthritis, and blood circulation. Aside from that, it will give the market a new taste of beverage that is definitely unique from ordinary juices that they can purchase from the supermarkets. The brand will be introduced to its target market as a bottled beverage with different variants to choose from. While many love the aromatic smell of ginger, there are still some who do not like its taste; therefore, the product will be produced with different flavors like what the prominent manufacturers had done to their tea products. General Market Analysis The target markets for this product are the young professionals, sports active individuals, and adults with the age of 35 years old and up. This segment was chosen because of their lifestyle and their need for a product with proper vitamins and benefits to keep away from diseases. Furthermore, this is the cluster of the society that is highly conscious about their health. Any person may drink the ginger product because of the health benefits that it may provide to the consumers; however, in order to make the promotion consistent and to easily gain a strong position in the marketplace, all the advertising campaigns and promotional tools for this product will be intended for the segment that is being targeted for this item (Beri, 2006). Industry Analysis. Unlike other consumer goods in the market, this product will have lesser direct competitors because only a few companies offering this type of good to the customers are currently trying to penetrate the market. However, the biggest challenge that the company needs to face upon market penetration is to have a competitive and persuasive approach that would make the target consumers buy the product. Today, Buderim Ginger is recognized as the leading manufacturer of ginger products (Buderim, 2002). Apparently, beverage products of this company will be the direct competitor of the ginger brand that will be introduced in the marketplace. Product Attributes Even though some people are already aware that ginger can be an alternative to other tea products, the product may appear totally new in the market. With the existence of prominent beverage products in the market, the company will highlight the following attributes in promoting the ginger product in the emerging market: ? With a unique combination of ginger and fruit flavors to choose from. ? Aromatic smell of ginger in liquid form. ? Contains vitamins and minerals to avoid diseases. ? For body resistance and health maintenance. Handy packaging for customer’s convenience. ? Different flavors and bottle sizes in affordable prices. Financial Analysis and Sales Forecast The budget allocation for ginger beverage will include marketing research, production, machinery and factory expenses, promotion, and distribution expenses. Prior to the release of the product, the company is expected to spend the 60% of the budget for the development of the marketing plan and t he mass production of ginger beverage, and the other 40% will be allotted for the advertisement and distribution of goods to the target market. On its first six months in the market, the company expects to generate a profit of at least 30% of the entire production budget. Sales Objectives Basically, the objective of the company before and after the production of goods in the market is to make the product salable in the market in order to gain profit; however, the product that is new in the market has a greater challenge than those that already exist in the store shelves. The sales objectives of the company are: To reach at least 30% of the expected profit in the first six months after the release of the product in the marketplace. ? To persuade at least three-fourths (?) of the entire target market to buy the product. Sales Personnel Needs The sales personnel will undergo trainings and seminars before finally selling the product. At the end of the training period, the sales team should have enough knowledge about the product that the company will offer to the customers. Ginger product could be new to the target consumers. Therefore, the sales personnel should possess the will and determination to persuade the consumers that the product that they are going to sell to the public possesses the exact attributes that they portray on the promotional tools. Sales Territory Design The product will be introduced and distributed to selected states in the United States. The limited production and pull strategy in terms of distribution will help the company to evade early decline stage. The states that have the highest population and percentage of target market will be the pioneering market for the ginger product. Sales Compensation Program The compensation of the sales team will depend on the quota set by the company. The company will set a quota for a sales team and give bonuses for every excess amount or work that the sales personnel will accomplish to promote and sell the product. Sales Personnel Qualifications The product that will be sold in the market may capture the attention of the market because of the idea that it is new in the market. However, this fact may also be the reason why the target customers may overlook the item. In this manner, the company needs to hire people who have enough knowledge and information about the product that is being sold in the market and capability to persuade the customers regardless of the uniqueness of the ginger product. Performance Measurement The number of sales done and percentage of the target market that the sales team has acquired will be the basis of performance of the sales personnel. The number of deal closed will be taken into consideration, and the profit that the company gained will be evaluated to measure the effectiveness of the sales strategies.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Nietzsches The Use And Abuse Of History

Between 1873 and 1876 Nietzsche published four â€Å"Untimely Meditations.†Ã‚  The second of these is the essay often referred to as â€Å"The Use and Abuse of History for Life.† (1874)  A more accurate translation of the title, though, is â€Å"On the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life.† The Meaning of History and Life The two key terms in the title, â€Å"history† and â€Å"life† are used in a very broad way.  By â€Å"history,† Nietzsche mainly means historical knowledge of previous cultures (e.g. Greece, Rome, the Renaissance), which includes knowledge of past philosophy, literature, art, music, and so on.  But he also has in mind scholarship in general, including a commitment to strict principles of scholarly or scientific methods, and also a general historical self-awareness which continually places one’s own time and culture in relation to others that have come before. The term â€Å"life† is not clearly defined anywhere in the essay.  In one place Nietzsche describes it as â€Å"a dark driving insatiably self-desiring power,† but that doesn’t tell us much.  What he seems to have in mind most of the time, when he speaks of â€Å"life,† is something like a deep, rich, creative engagement with the world one is living in.  Here, as in all his writings, the creation of an impressive culture is of prime importance to Nietzsche.   What Nietzsche Is Opposing In the early 19th century, Hegel (1770-1831) had constructed a philosophy of history which saw the history of civilization as both the expansion of human freedom and the development of greater self-consciousness regarding the nature and meaning of history.  Hegel’s own philosophy represents the highest stage yet achieved in humanity’s self-understanding.  After Hegel, it was generally accepted that a knowledge of the past is a good thing.  In fact, the nineteenth century prided itself on being more historically informed than any previous age.  Nietzsche, however, as he loves to do, calls this widespread belief into question.   He identifies 3 approaches to history: the monumental, the antiquarian, and the critical.  Each can be used in a good way, but each has its dangers. Monumental History Monumental history focuses on examples of human greatness, individuals who â€Å"magnify the concept of man†¦.giving it a more beautiful content.†Ã‚  Nietzsche doesn’t name names, but he presumably means people like Moses, Jesus, Pericles, Socrates, Caesar, Leonardo, Goethe, Beethoven, and Napoleon.  One thing that all great individuals have in common is a cavalier willingness to risk their life and material well-being.  Ã‚  Such individuals can inspire us to reach for greatness ourselves.  They are an antidote to world-weariness.   But monumental history carries certain dangers.  When we view these past figures as inspirational, we may distort history by overlooking the unique circumstances that gave rise to them.  It is quite likely that no such figure could arise again since those circumstances will never occur again.  Another danger lies in the way some people treat the great achievements of the past (e.g. Greek tragedy, Renaissance painting) as canonical.  They are viewed as providing a paradigm that contemporary art should not challenge or deviate from.  When used in this way, monumental history can block the path to new and original cultural achievements. Antiquarian History Antiquarian history refers to the scholarly immersion in some past period or past culture.  This is the approach to history especially typical of academics.  It can be valuable when it helps to enhance our sense of cultural identity.  E.g. When contemporary poets acquire a deep understanding of the poetic tradition to which they belong, this enriches their own work.  They experience â€Å"the contentment of a tree with its roots.† But this approach also has potential drawbacks.  Too much immersion in the past easily leads to an undiscriminating fascination with and reverence for anything that is old, regardless of whether it is genuinely admirable or interesting.  Antiquarian history easily degenerates into mere scholarliness, where the purpose of doing history has long been forgotten.  And the reverence for the past it encourages can inhibit originality.  The cultural products of the past are seen as so wonderful that we can simply rest content with them and not try to create anything new. Critical History Critical history is almost the opposite of antiquarian history.  Instead of revering the past, one rejects it as part of the process of creating something new.  E.g. Original artistic movements are often very critical of the styles they replace (the way Romantic poets rejected the artificial diction of 18th-century poets).  The danger here, though, is that we will be unfair to the past.  In particular, we will fail to see how those very elements in past cultures that we despise were necessary; that they were among the elements that gave birth to us.   The Problems Caused by Too Much Historical Knowledge In Nietzsche’s view, his culture (and he would probably say ours too) has become bloated with too much knowledge.  And this explosion of knowledge is not serving â€Å"life†Ã¢â‚¬â€œthat is, it is not leading to a richer, more vibrant, contemporary culture.  On the contrary. Scholars obsess over methodology and sophisticated analysis.  In doing so, they lose sight of the real purpose of their work.  Always, what matters most isn’t whether their methodology is sound, but whether what they are doing serves to enrich contemporary life and culture. Very often, instead of trying to be creative and original, educated people simply immerse themselves in relatively dry scholarly activity.  The result is that instead of having a living culture, we have merely a knowledge of culture.  Instead of really experiencing things, we take up a detached, scholarly attitude to them.  One might think here, for instance, of the difference between being transported by a painting or a musical composition, and noticing how it reflects certain influences from previous artists or composers. Halfway through the essay, Nietzsche identifies five specific disadvantages of having too much historical knowledge.  The rest of the essay is mainly an elaboration on these points.  The five drawbacks are: It creates too much of a contrast between what’s going on people’s minds and the way they live.  E.g. philosophers who immerse themselves in Stoicism no longer live like Stoics; they just live like everyone else.  The philosophy is purely theoretical. Not something to be lived.It makes us think we are more just than previous ages.  We tend to look back on previous periods as inferior to us in various ways, especially, perhaps, in the area of morality.  Modern historians pride themselves on their objectivity.  But the best kind of history isn’t the kind that is scrupulously objective in a dry scholarly sense.  The best historians work like artists to bring a previous age to life.It disrupts the instincts and hinders mature development.  In supporting this idea, Nietzsche especially complains at the way modern scholars cram themselves too quickly with too much knowledge.  The result is that they lose profundity.  Extreme specialization, another fe ature of modern scholarship, leads them away from wisdom, which requires a broader view of things.It makes us think of ourselves as inferior imitators of our predecessorsIt leads to irony and to cynicism. In explaining points 4 and 5, Nietzsche embarks on a sustained critique of Hegelianism.  The essay concludes with him expressing a hope in â€Å"youth†, by which he seems to mean those who have not yet been deformed by too much education. In the Background – Richard Wagner Nietzsche does not mention in this essay his friend at the time, the composer Richard Wagner.  But in drawing the contrast between those who merely know about culture and those who are creatively engaged with culture, he almost certainly had Wagner in mind as an exemplar of the latter type.  Nietzsche was working as a professor at the time at the University of Basle in Switzerland.  Ã‚  Basle represented historical scholarship.  Whenever he could, he would take the train to Lucerne to visit Wagner, who at the time was composing his four-opera Ring Cycle.  Wagner’s house at Tribschen represented life.  For Wagner, the creative genius who was also a man of action, fully engaged in the world, and working hard to regenerate German culture through his operas, exemplified how one could use the past (Greek tragedy, Nordic legends, Romantic classical music) in a healthy way to create something new.